Transport Tessier



At Tessier Transport, our commitment to the environment transcends day-to-day operations. We take a proactive approach to minimizing our impact on the planet, aware of the crucial importance of protecting our natural resources for present and future generations. Our environmental strategy rests on three fundamental pillars: technological innovation, continuous education and active contribution to environmental regeneration.

Technological Innovation
We invest heavily in the latest green technologies, choosing solutions that significantly reduce our carbon footprint. A major milestone in our ecological journey was the recent acquisition of a truck running on natural gas. We plan to go further by powering our fleet exclusively with renewable natural gas. This initiative reduces our carbon footprint by 99.6% compared to the use of diesel trucks, a figure rivaling the advantages of electric vehicles. This transition to cleaner fuels demonstrates our commitment to adopting innovative solutions for a minimal environmental footprint.

Education and training
Environmental awareness and the ongoing training of our staff are key components of our strategy. We firmly believe that change begins with a thorough understanding of environmental issues and our role in resolving them. To this end, Tessier Transport regularly participates in environmental best practice events, encouraging our team to adopt responsible behaviours both at work and daily.

Contributing to environmental regeneration
Our environmental responsibility doesn't stop at reducing our carbon footprint. We actively seek ways to make a positive contribution to the environment, whether through reforestation initiatives, support for conservation projects, or partnerships with organizations dedicated to protecting the environment.

Towards a sustainable future
Tessier Transport's ultimate goal is to transform our fleet into a combination of electric and renewable natural gas vehicles. This ambition positions us as forerunners in the transportation industry, ready to set new standards in environmental responsibility. By committing ourselves to a sustainable future, we're not just following trends; we aspire to be inspirational leaders, showing the way towards a greener, more environmentally-friendly transport industry.


Online Estimate


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